Emre Aksan


Zurich, Switzerland

I am a Research Scientist in the AR Perception group at Google.

My research interests lie at the intersection of machine learning, computer vision, and human-computer interaction, with a primary focus on the perception and synthesis of human activities, aiming to digitize humans in various aspects. Technically, I am interested in deriving new machine learning algorithms, particularly generative temporal models to capture human dynamics and generate human-like interactions.

Prior to joining Google, I was a PhD student in the Advanced Interactive Technologies lab at ETH Zurich, advised by Prof. Dr. Otmar Hilliges. The focus of my thesis was deep generative temporal modeling with applications in the tasks of 3D motion modeling and prediction, building 3D face avatars, and modeling and synthesis of free-form human actions such as digital representations of drawings and handwritten text.

E-mail : aksan (at) google (dot) com. Feel free to reach out to me for questions or potential collaborations.


Dec 2022 A new chapter: I started working at Google Zurich.
Nov 2022 My thesis is awarded with the Fritz Kutter award.
Aug 2022 Done! I succesfully defended my PhD thesis.

Selected Publications

  1. LiP-Flow: Learning Inference-time Priors for Codec Avatars via Normalizing Flows in Latent Space
    Emre Aksan, Shugao Ma, Akin Caliskan, and 5 more authors
    Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2022
  2. D-Grasp: Physically Plausible Dynamic Grasp Synthesis for Hand-Object Interactions
    Sammy Christen, Muhammed Kocabas, Emre Aksan, and 3 more authors
    Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2022
  3. A Spatio-temporal Transformer for 3D Human Motion Prediction
    Emre Aksan, Manuel Kaufmann, Peng Cao, and 1 more author
    International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV) 2021
  4. CoSE: Compositional Stroke Embeddings
    Emre Aksan, Thomas Deselaers, Andrea Tagliasacchi, and 1 more author
    Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 2020